Cancer and tumors in dogs

Cancer and tumors in dogs

Cancer and tumors in dogs
Tumors and cancers also plague our four-legged friends. How do they manifest themselves? Are these diseases systematically lethal? Is it possible to treat them?

Great progress has been made in the management of tumors and cancers, in humans as well as in dogs. Of course, we are still far from fully effective and saving therapy, but if the disease is detected early enough, the chances of survival are more important.

Tumors :
A tumor corresponds to a localized hypertrophy of a tissue or organ. It is not necessarily cancerous and is then called benign (i.e. localized). On the other hand, cancer is discussed when the tumor is malignant and metastases develop in other parts of the dog's body. Tumours can be found in the breasts in females and testicles in males. As for large dogs, they may have tumors at the level of the long bones. 

Cancers :

For its part, cancer is associated with abnormally large cell proliferation. This phenomenon threatens the survival of the tissue concerned. These cells that behave and multiply in an anarchic manner can migrate, producing other tumors, or even metastases.
Methods and means of diagnosis :

In any case, it is necessary to take your dog to the vet to obtain a reliable diagnosis. Tumours are not always obvious to detect, hence the need to pay special attention to certain signs that may leave suspicion of such a condition: slimming, anorexia, fever, persistent fatigue, among others.

Tumors and external cancers are visible and the veterinarian can perceive them by palpating. Further examinations are carried out to confirm or to exclude the possibility that the animal suffers from it. Blood tests, biopsies and endoscopies are part of these processes that allow to know the nature of cancer or tumor, its severity and prognosis. The processing protocol to be applied is then based on these results.

How do they manifest themselves?

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